Baxter Brenton Sponsoring NZTCC hosting JFCCT Council meeting on wed 20 June 2018
Baxter Brenton support NZTCC, due to NZTCC will host Council meeting of Joint Foreign Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday 20 June at Banyan Tree Bangkok, Sathorn.
In this meeting, NZ Ambassador did presentation with NZTCC president, this was NZ showcase in term of Promoting NZ business, and NZ products from NZ vendors.
Luncheon meeting was during 11.30-14.00 hrs., the program started with greeting by JFTCC chairman and following with NZ Embassy & NZTCC presentation then running as the agenda until 14.00 hrs.
Menu showing NZ ingredients and NZ souvenir/goodies bags sponsored by Baxter Brenton imports given to all participants (chairman/president) of other foreign chambers around 45 persons.